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Всего материалов в каталоге: 1
Показано материалов: 1-1

Rakhimova Hosilakhon Ibragimovna was born on April, 22 nd 1975 in Ilonsoj collective farm named after I.Turaev in the Denavskij area, the Surkhan-Darya district in family of doctors. Her nationality is Uzbek, and she has two children. Since 1982 till 1992 she went to high school № 15 named after K. Eshmuradov in the Denavskij area. Simultaneously with study at school, in 1990 she left musical school named after J. Razhabi on a class rubab. Since 1990 till 1996 she was the participant of national ensemble "Navnihol" and was engaged in the vigorous activity in a regional department on affairs of culture. In period since 1998 till 2001 Hosila Rakhimova studied at the Tashkent State institute of culture on branch of "folk music". Through her activity Hosila Rakhimova works in creative cooperation with such poets as U. Azim, I. Muzaffarzoda, M. Toir, H. Shodmon, A. Karim, R. Hotamova; composers R. Mahmudov, O. Safarov, H. Thrakulov.
Файлы | Просмотров: 2297 | Загрузок: 0 | Добавил: babur | Дата: 02.04.2010 | Комментарии (0)